Saturday, February 25, 2012

I Got Out!

What a difference a day makes.  It got up to 40F degrees today and did it early.  Sunny.  A little breeze, but not bad.  So I got bundled up, did my outdoor chores and started digging out.  Soon had to take my coat off.

The only way to approach this is one shovel full at a time and don't think about the project as a whole.

Made it to the car.  I don't know if the snow plow operator thinks he's helping by shoving this snow up against the front of my car or what.

This really wasn't fun, but I finally got the car dug out and made sure I could drive out onto the road.

Cleaned up a bit then drove to Nederland and returned two library books and checked out two more I had requested.  Went to the spring and filled a couple of jugs with water.  Dropped off some recyclables at the town dump.  I would guess this is the only town dump with a view like this:

Stopped at Ace and took advantage of a 20% off sale to get a couple of boxes of Safe Lite Fire Starter Squares and the bits and pieces I need to make a pot rack.  More about that in a future blog..  I dropped off some plastic bags at the recycle bin at the supermarket and bought myself a chicken sandwich and Diet Coke at the deli.  I was starving after all that snow shoveling.  Got my mail and was pleased to find I had received two books I had ordered, based on the recommendation of Karen Anderson who does readings at the Blue Owl Bookstore in Nederland.  They are DNA Demystified and DNA and the Quantum Choice both by Kishori Aird.  I am interested in exploring DNA reprogramming and am really looking forward to getting started on these.

Decided that since I had freed myself from my snowy prison I'd drive on down to Boulder.  The Salvation Army store had been having a 50% off sale since yesterday.  I figured things would be pretty well picked over I was getting there so late, but found a few things.  I couldn't believe no one had grabbed these two Victorian? Edwardian? engraved silver napkin rings.  Loved the little bracket with the hooks for a hanging sign, what I guess is a silver wine bottle holder and the beautifully colored sphere with the leaves and fruit.

I also got this lapis skirt and Chico's travelers top:

The grand total for everything was $8.77 with tax.

And I got back before dark.  How did you spend your Saturday?  Teddee

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