I guess this will continue until our overnight lows get out of the 20s and 30s even though our daytime highs may be in the 50s and 60s!
I'm posting early today since I'm not quite sure what my schedule will be later. I'm going to Boulder to run some errands and then on to Longmont. After reviewing my receipt for the items I purchased at the Goodwill last Saturday I see I was overcharged a dollar or two on a couple of items and I want to return the painting on glass. I'm also waiting to hear back from Wild West Mercantile. If I do, I will either be driving to Rollinsville to pick up the items I had left there for consignment or to drop off more things. I'm going to try to convince the owner to rent me a corner for a modest monthly amount. I am convinced my things will sell if I can do the display myself. This was the problem when I tried to consign at a store in Nederland the first year I was here. It was a resale clothing boutique with very little space and the owner relegated my items to a back room on a very high shelf that ran along the ceiling. She's very tall, but the average shopper, if they ever made it to the back room, probably never even saw the items I was consigning and if they did couldn't reach them to touch and feel, an absolute necessity when shopping I think.
Yesterday morning fairly early, the son of one of the owners of the cabin that burned inside summer before last arrived to remove this strange "log teepee" seen at far right in the photo below (taken last winter) that has been kind of an eyesore in the view out my west window forever. After the fire he lived in a tent on the property for awhile but moved into a barn down below somewhere several months ago. The family has had carpenters working on restoring the cabin for a year but still don't have the siding on.
I think it was an improvement but am not certain. Mountain people...at least these mountain people...don't seem to be terribly concerned about the appearance of their lots. At least I don't have to be self conscious about ours!
My "baby" brother is having knee surgery tomorrow morning. Please send up prayers and other positive energy for a successful surgery and recovery. He has undergone two sessions of hypnosis to control pain and we are all curious...and hopeful...that it works. His hypnotist has told him there will be no pain, but both the patient and his friends and relatives are a little incredulous so I'll keep you posted.
Have you ever undergone hypnosis for pain? Teddee
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