...in which we had been storing extra bedding in case more members of the family came out on vacation and needed blankets and sleeping bags for their tents. She and her husband had also left some clothing here. After Christmas I decided I would use the boxes, which fit under the bunk, to store my craft materials. I bagged up all the blankets and clothing and stored them in my car, which I use as another room, this one-room cabin being a bit small. This didn't work. Not only was it a nuisance to have all those bags of bedding and clothing in my car trunk and inside my car, but once the craft materials were shoved under the bunk, it was too much trouble to get them out whenever I needed them, so I quit crafting.
Today I dragged all of the storage boxes out from under the bunk, removed the craft materials...
...which I had carefully sorted and stored in individual containers last winter. Then I dragged all of the bags out of the car, sorted through the contents, put the bedding and my sister's and her husband's clothing back in the large containers and put everything else back in the bags and put them in the woodshed. There were some table cloths (I remember my mother using this one for Sunday dinner back on the farm in Missouri when I was quite young)...
...and even odder rugs that looked like they were crocheted, but in really unusual colors. One was a flirty black with bright green and peppermint pink touches. I felt like doing the can-can....
It was as if everyone had brought to the cabin all of the things they didn't want but couldn't bring themselves to give away. I'll let my sister decide when she comes out in July if she feels sentimental about any of these items. If she does, she can take them home with her. Otherwise, they're going to Goodwill.
I also took the plastic storage container that serves as my toolbox out to the woodshed, rigged up a different cover to hide the white and wild-colored print on the hide-a-bed that my sister brought out here and prefers to sleep on. I've been trying to get the other hide-a-bed, a black Naugahyde beauty, to Goodwill for two years but can't seem to find anyone willing to haul it to Boulder even for pay.
In order to do all the above, I had to move a lot of things out on the deck...
I can't decide if these cat curtain rod holders are cute or creepy. People driving by kept slowing down thinking I was having a yard sale...hmmm...they might have something. I wish I could count on the weather, particularly wind, lack of, so I could actually plan one. Perhaps in September. By that time I should have everything done to the cabin I want to do and I can sell all the leftover decor items. If I recall, we had some very nice weather last September.
I thought around 3 p.m. we were going to have rain...
The wind came up so I quit working and got everything under cover then Dixie and I went to the spring and got water. If this is spring run-off then I may be forced to buy water this summer...
I also stopped and picked up a big bag of pine cones for kindling. My brother had questioned several months ago why I wasn't using pine cones and I told him I had seen hardly any last fall. Well, the side ditches over in Caribou Canyon where the spring is located, are now filled with them...
...so I'll take a sack for pine cones each time I get water. This should cut down on the need for those pricey fire starters that have just gone up a $1 to $13 a box.
So now the boxes of craft materials have supplanted the plastic tool box bin on the couch, a couple of piles of books and magazines (already sorted once to get rid of the chaff), which I'd secreted away in one of the plastic bins under the bunk, have now reappeared to join a couple of other piles of same that had accumulated since Christmas.
Out of all this effort, I do have two bags of clothing and miscellaneous in the car to take to Goodwill or Savers, I removed one of the heavy jute rugs my sister brought out here that sheds and had started raveling along the edge, moved furniture and swept thoroughly, so made some progress.
I'll sign off with a photo I just took of the western sky...
Have a wonderful evening...Teddee
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