I knew it was going to snow, thanks to NOAA, but just had to go to Boulder because it was a Goodwill 50% off Saturday. As I was making my way down the canyon to junque, I met hundreds of cars and a few buses coming up the canyon carrying skiers and snowboarders to the Eldora Mountain Resort. I used to ski and even made some money writing about it, but never enjoyed it that much. To each his own.
By the time I got to Goodwill, an hour after they opened, the pink and gold chamber pot, in perfect condition with lid (that I didn't buy last evening when I checked in after doing laundry), was gone. Darn! Although it had no markings, I'm pretty sure it was not a reproduction. If it had been any other color I would have bought it, but, until I can get my on-line shop going, I try not to buy anything at full price I can't use myself and pink really isn't one of my colors. So, disappointed, I just had to drive out to the Lafayette Goodwill. They really didn't have the selection they usually do, but I did get a mirror I think I may use as a top for an old wash stand.
Sorry I can't show you any of these things since Kodak and I are still trying to figure out why my computer, printer and camera aren't talking. This is a shot of the cabin in an earlier snow this winter.
I bought a few things at each Goodwill I may use in my pantry re-do. I keep finding different and better containers so will, as usual, end up with enough stuff for several pantries.
Leaving Lafayette, I thought I was shopped out, but got my second wind coming back to Boulder and decided to scope out the Salvation Army store and it was there I made THE FIND OF THE DAY. It is a table that can be raised and lowered from coffee table height to about the right height to eat from if seated on a couch. It also has two leaves that let down. It caught my eye, not because of the top, which is made of some awful faux wood laminate, but I could see part of this complicated apparatus underneath the table, lots of heavy springs and hinges, and what appeared to be a couple of brass knobs and wood that looked like oak, but I couldn't determine how it worked even after I got it turned upside down. Another woman customer asked her male companion to look at it and he finally figured it out. I love furniture that folds and does stuff and since it was half off--no, Salvation Army wasn't having a 50% off sale, but the Boulder store marks things half off after they've been in the store for a certain period of time and obviously no one during the weeks the table had been in the store had noticed there was more to it than an ugly top--I got it for $17.50. Then, another young woman customer, who had observed us trying to figure out how the table worked, heard me say I wished I had a truck. She volunteered her father, who was shopping with her and was visiting to help her get her cabin in Rollinsville, just south of here, ready to put on the market. So, we exchanged names and phone numbers and they are bringing the table up Monday morning. Yeah, yeah. If it turns out she keeps it, at $17.50 it was worth taking the chance. Now I just have to figure out between now and then where I'm going to put it! Since I'm using the kitchen table as a desk and computer station, the magic apparatus table would be perfect to use in front of the couch. However, I bought a huge steamer trunk last year from some homeowners who were having a yard sale prior to selling their cabin and it's serving as a coffee table. Hmmm! Well, I want to get a different top made for the new table or have the top covered with zinc, so maybe I can talk my neighborhood carpenter into putting it in his shop.
To end the perfect day, my eyeglasses (just readers, but I really need 'em) fell off my neck strap into four inches of powder while I was unloading the car and I not only found them, but hadn't stepped on them. Then, just as I was putting my beverage of choice out in the snow to cool (no refrigerator), one of the foxes came for his supper and I was able to snap a few photos.
All these photos and no way to share! I hope Kodak doesn't have to replace this printer (that's a Kodak ESP 5250 in case you're interested) for the third time since last April as that will put me out of commission for at least another two weeks. Teddee
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