Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Vixen Is OK

Good News.  Vixen came to eat night before last and has been here twice a day since then.  I can't tell if she's given birth. 

She always has looked as if she were nursing, so that's no sign.  Any weight I've been able to put on her seems to have disappeared.  What a scrawny, beat-up baby.  

Upon her return after her brief hiatus, she had been a little more flighty than usual.  That first evening, she had Valentino, the male fox, with her and she seemed quite concerned that he not get any chicken.  She started to leave to go back to the den with her one piece of chicken and when she saw me getting ready to throw out another piece, she circled back and grabbed that one too, so I can't decide whether she sees him as a helpmeet or competitor.  I haven't seen him since, and this morning she was much more relaxed.  In fact, she was quite funny.  

After she ate her kibble and egg and took one piece of chicken back to the den, she returned.  I'm trying to stretch this chicken out since I'm on the long forced march to the second Wednesday of June when I get my next Social Security check (can someone tell me why we can't get our checks on the same date, i.e., the 10th, each month, not the same day, i.e., the second Wednesday?), out of which I must save enough for July rent for the apartment in Boulder.  Thank goodness I have enough in savings for June, which is due day after tomorrow.  So I wasn't going to give her another piece of chicken until tonight.  She finished the kibble and then sat, enjoying the sun on her face...

This time of year, it's warmer outside than inside the cabin when I first get up, so I had the cabin door open.  She came in...

...and grabbed this cloth...

with which I had been removing sanding dust from the top part of the secretary that I'd been working on yesterday...

...and carried it out into the yard.  Then, while I was taking some close-ups of some of the wild chives...

...and wild iris in the yard...

...I had left my coffee mug on the picnic table bench...

...she trotted over, put her front feet up on the bench, stuck her nose down in the mug, took a sip and came up with that same expression on her face little children have after their first taste of coffee.  No, of course, I wasn't quick enough to get that shot.  I gave her some unsalted chicken broth that I'd cooked down after I cooked this whole chicken I bought at B&F for 99 cents a pound, the cheapest thing I could find, especially for her.  That seemed to satisfy her.  The next time I checked, she had left.

She brings me so much pleasure.  Teddee

P.S.  Eye is improving although these close-ups of 68-year-old skin, sans makeup, are really discouraging....A facial?  Botox?  Reconstructive surgery?  And I haven't deliberately sunbathed since I was in my 20s and both my moisturizer and makeup base contain sun block!  Too much time in Arizona and the high Rockies!  The knob on my forehead is numb.  I'm hoping that will go away.  And my cheekbone is still sore, but not nearly as sore as it was even yesterday.  Arm is still a major source of pain.  Pain pills at night are a godsend.  I am sleeping long and hard.

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