After lunch I had to pick up my 2010 income tax documents from H&R Block which had been reviewed for free and found accurate. By the way, after Thursday's rant about the IRS, Uncle Sam was satisfied with deducting the rest of the 2010 taxes I'd been paying on a monthly basis from my 2011 refund and did not take out the monthly payment as well, so I take it all back and I'm a free woman! (Neptune again?).
Then I stopped in Savers which is just next door. I got a couple of cardigan sweaters with part of the $20 my friend Cindy sent me for my birthday. Thank you Cindy! (Neptune was on duty. Cindy actually sent $20 in cash, silly girl, and the post office equipment had tried to eat the card, but the $20 bill was unscathed).
Here are the sweaters. Identical, but one black and one brown. They are a little large under the arms but these pleats flatter my "figger," as one of my grandmothers used to say. No discount (Savers is a notoriously stingy thrift store), but the sweaters were only $6.99 each and I filled a punch card which translates into 30% off my next purchase.
There may be need for those sweaters by tomorrow. Our unseasonably warm weather which, I believe, is setting records, is ending. Today it was supposed to be 59F degrees here in the mountains (my thermometer says 60F degrees at 5:30 p.m., so I think it was warmer than that). NOAA predicted 77F degrees in Boulder. The Eldora forecast is 30% chance of rain/snow tomorrow with 38 mph winds, 60% chance of snow tomorrow night, 50% chance of snow Monday and a 40% chance of snow Monday night with a low of 17F degrees. I'm not sure we'll be able to adjust.
Goodwill was having a 50% off Saturday today, but I decided to forgo the pleasure. I needed to tote some wood from that pileout by the car in preparation for the return of cold weather...
...and I'm saving myself for the Beautiful Junk Sale next Saturday in Golden, Colorado.
I think this is my third visit. The subtitle is "Jefferson County's largest bargain sale with 10,500 square feet of discount treasures." It's held inside at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds' Exhibit Hall. Admission is $3 and they deduct $1 if you bring two cans of food. I didn't think the last sale was as much fun as the two previous events, but it's always fun to see what they have and there's never a bad community garage sale.
After Savers I finally got out to the Walmart in Erie where I needed to purchase a gift card for my great niece. I've given my great nieces and nephews (or is it grand nieces and nephews?) these gift cards for their birthdays and at Christmas for years and they really seem to enjoy them. I also needed ink cartridges for my printer and those aren't cheap even at Walmart ($32.97 for a Kodak color/black and white combo). My shopping list had grown considerably waiting for the second Wednesday of March to arrive. Those of us who receive our Social Security checks on the second Wednesday of the month had one of those months in which that was not until the 14th. The second Wednesday in February was the 8th. Those extra days can really make a difference. Paula and I agreed yesterday that having the government issue these checks on a specific Wednesday each month instead of a specific date really causes hardship. Why don't they just always issue them on the 10th? Maybe I'll start a campaign.
My grand total at Walmart added considerably to their bottom line. Walmart's owners are among the richest of the rich who just get richer as pointed out in that book I just finished and blogged about, Winner-Take-All Politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer--and Turned Its Back on the Middle Class. (I'm still waiting to hear back from the authors).
According to a December 14, 2011, on-line Forbes article, the "six members of the Walton Family...have more wealth than the bottom 30% of Americans." "...they are collectively worth about $93 billion." According to an MSN on-line article dated 8/12/2009, they were worth only $23 billion when founder Sam Walton died in 1992. In the intervening nineteen years, their wealth had increased by $70 billion!
In a way, it's too bad their prices can make such a big difference in how far a Social Security check goes, let alone the convenience of finding almost everything one needs in one store--I had been wondering where I could find a cobbler (do they even exist anymore?) for some of those sticky traction things you can put on the soles of shoes and boots to keep them from slipping and, lo and behold, there they were among the shoe polishes. My shopping list went from toothpaste to needles, cat food for the foxes to drill bits, the gift card to the ink cartridges, rubber gloves to poster mount (which I hope I can use like Quake Hold to keep things from vibrating off these shelves next to the cabin door) and I found it all as well as a few groceries.
I didn't get back until dark. I have a porch light, but had forgotten to leave it on, so had to leave the car door open for the bit of light the overhead interior light provided, pick my way across the meadow to the cabin, turn on the porch light, grab the flashlight and make numerous trips to unload the car. My neighbor across the road drove up the canyon behind me and, I think, deliberately left his multiple very bright back porch lights on until I got my car unloaded. I've only chatted briefly with him once. Maybe it was coincidence. If so, it was nice coincidence.
So that's my good luck story. What's yours? Teddee
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