I pulled down the piece of plywood...
...I had to take it out the end. You can see this is the really awful side that's splintered and looks as if someone had used it as a work table for Spackling. I had turned this side up as one of the first things I did when I started living here because I couldn't stand to look at it...and it wasn't even painted then.
I managed, without breaking something, to get it outside even though it's very floppy and hard to control...
...then I rolled on two coats of the dark charcoal brown paint on both sides...
In between coats I worked on the springs...
I experimented by spraying them just with the glitter paint and could see it didn't have enough density, so knew I was going to have to paint them brown first. These were really hard to paint. I don't remember it being that big a deal when I painted them white. Maybe I just sprayed them and because the walls were white I didn't have to worry about over-spray. If I got enough paint on either brush or roller to get the brown paint into the nooks and crannies, the wires just scraped it off...
I had so much paint on my drop cloth that I used it as a source of paint! I had on clothes that were already spattered with paint from previous painting sessions, but I got paint in my hair and even up the sleeves of my long-sleeved t-shirt. It was a mess.
Once the wires and springs dried, I sprayed them with the glitter paint. Can any one tell me why some paint companies continue to use these blasted paint lids that you have to open with a screw driver? I absolutely tore this one apart trying to get it off with the paint can opener. My screw drivers were in my plastic storage box "tool box" under the mattress!
I had the door open and opened the north window to get some air circulating through the cabin because this stuff was potent. I held my breath, sprayed and then ran outside and breathed. The springs now have a definite sparkle, but it is very subtle, which probably is good...
I spent the next couple of hours putting things back to rights. I feel as if things aren't ever very organized in this one-room space, but when they really get disorganized like they do during projects like this, I sure stress out. So, I put the painted plywood back on top of the springs; horsed the mattress back on the lower bunk (I put on a clean sheet while I had it on the table so at least I didn't have to have my usual wrestling match getting the bed linens changed); put my clothes bins back on top of the plywood, finished making the bed, put my prints and bedside lamp back up and the little tray that serves as my bedside "table."
Cozy, no? I see I need to do a little touch-up here and there, but I'm generally pleased. And, boy, does that bed look good and I'm hitting it just as soon as I have some supper.
Did you achieve a goal today? Teddee