Ahab and his white whale obsession have nothing on me. If I had a harpoon I would have used it long ago on this bunk I sleep in. It's attached to two walls of the cabin, so not only does it shudder and shift when the cabin shudders and shifts in the high winds we have here in the Rockies, but the fact that the mattress is butt up against two walls and one of the two too many hide-a-beds we have in this one room cabin for use by family members when they visit, makes changing the sheets a nightmare. Getting a fitted sheet on the first corner, the northeast corner, is not too difficult although I have to lift up the mattress to get it on.
But getting a fitted sheet on this southeast corner is exhausting.
I usually eventually end up getting on the mattress on my knees in frustration but that actually makes things worse.
It rarely gets much better than this...
...which is a pet peeve because I like really taut sheets.
Then there are the two west corners. Many years ago our neighbor installed these bunks and added a couple of clever rustic touches. This tree trunk on the northwest corner...
...and this slab on the southwest corner:
But mattresses were thinner then and the mattress I'm using now gets stuck under the slab...
and in the notch he made in the log....
This not only makes changing the bedding more difficult, but occasionally I'll realize in the night that the mattress has got caught and my sleeping surface is listing lower on the west, so if I want to turn over on my right side, I'm turning uphill.
Then there's the top sheet. I like to miter the bottom corners of my top sheet, so I must lift the northwest corner up and out of this slot in the tree trunk to do that. Forget the northeast corner. And I can't tuck in my electric blanket for fear of fire.
I eventually succeed...folding up the bedding on the wall side...but it usually takes me at least half an hour and I'm ready to get in the bed by that time..
and the white whale always wins in the end....I broke another fingernail today off below the flesh.
Ukh! Not very many things make me queasy, but my stomach turns when I do this.
If you read yesterday's blog, you'll probably realize I did not go to Boulder today as planned. It was 9F degrees when I got up and the winds were blowing about 38 mph, according to NOAA, and whipping all that new snow we got yesterday into a frenzy. I had to cancel my hair appointment because I wasn't sure, even if I could convince myself to go out in those conditions to try to dig out, that I could prevail over the wind. If NOAA is correct, we might have several more days of this.
This was my last set of sheets and I'm down to one wash cloth, so eventually I'll be forced to gird myself and trek all of this laundry I bundled up today out to the car in the wind and through the snow drifts whether I want to or not.
Do you allow your weather to dictate your activities? Teddee
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