There is a laundromat in Nederland, but the least expensive washer is $4 per load. This laundromat in Boulder that I use still has some $2 machines.
I have a full-sized stackable washer and dryer in storage back in Missouri that I pine for, although having it here would do me no good since I have neither space nor running water. I put off doing laundry as long as possible, especially in the winter when the weather is harsh making it difficult to get the bags of dirty clothes out to the car. I have enough clothes, bedding and towels and wash cloths to last about a month. But I was really running out of clean clothes and knew yesterday I couldn't procrastinate any longer.
There are certain things essential for this outing:
Quarters. There's a branch of my bank just north of this laundromat so I stop there, get $20 from the ATM and then go in the bank and get two rolls.
A good book:
I had almost finished this, so it was just the right amount of book to get me through the laundry. I had never read any of R.J. Ellory's books. It was quite good, but he is English and this was set primarily in the U.S. and there were some glitches that a good American editor should have caught...a reference to Mardi Gras being the first week of April, for one. Think he must have had that mixed up with spring break or something. At any rate, it was good enough that I'll probably read another one of his novels if the library has it or can get it. I wonder if he could use a paid American reader?
Fluffy Terry Cloth Robes. Just kidding. But I did have the passing thought yesterday that this would be a good idea. Sort of like a spa so mountain people could shuck off everything and wash it. As it was I had to settle for shucking off my coat and washing it because for about the last month everywhere I went people were commenting that I smelled like a camp fire. Love that blow-back smoke.
I have been storing all of my laundry products in my car trunk to open up limited space in my cupboards. The last time I did laundry, the liquids were thick, but not frozen solid even though I know we'd been having freezing temperatures. Yesterday everything was frozen. The Woolite Extra Dark Care that I like to use for my black clothes...
was frozen solid and the Resolve was slurry consistency. The laundromat had warm water and a bucket so I was able to thaw them out fairly quickly while I was sorting my laundry.
[Note to self: Next time, put liquid laundry products inside the car and turn the heater on high for the trip down the canyon].
Do you take for granted the ease of throwing in a load of laundry while you prepare supper or watch your favorite T.V. show? Teddee