Last year I missed the first snow at the cabin because I was stuck in Longmont after the Sears Automotive Center there, since closed, ruined my car then threw up their hands and said they had no idea why, after they installed a brand new thermostat, that my car blew up in the canyon on the way back up to the cabin at 9:30 at night, or why, after they installed a new radiator because the previous one ruptured when the car exploded, the car started boiling almost immediately after leaving their premises. They couldn't run diagnostics and the diagnostic center they recommended couldn't take me until the next day so I had to cripple my way to a motel. In the night, while this huge snow blew in from the plains, I decided I'd have my car towed back to Peak-to-Peak Motors in Nederland for the necessary repairs to the Sears repairs. Here's a photo bringing back that entire debacle...
This was about October 26.
Here is a photo I took through the tow truck window while the driver had stopped part way up the canyon to put on chains...
And here's what the cabin looked like when I finally got home...
Well, here it is only October 5 and this is what I saw to my surprise when I opened the drapes this morning here at the apartment in Boulder...
Just the lightest dusting of snow. My friend Olive didn't feel like walking this morning so I took Kooky the Pomeranian out for a quick walk and could tell from the cars coming down from the mountains on Canyon Boulevard that they'd had a lot more snow up there. I thought I could almost pick out the vehicles from Eldora because some of them had as much as one to two inches of snow on the roofs and hoods and we always got more than Nederland.
So, I've missed the first snow again this year. This web cam photo from the Eldora Mountain Resort (ski area) is as close as I'm going to get, I guess...
...or this NOAA on-line forecast...
I feel as if I'm missing baby's first steps.
I had planned to post some fall photos so, even though it looks as if winter is upon us, I guess I'll proceed. Perhaps we'll have some Indian Summer after this cold snap. That Columbus Day forecast of Sunny with a high of 55F degrees sounds likely.
A chrysanthemum my sister purchased when she was visiting what, three weeks ago? Loaded with buds that just won't flower...
I've brought this inside and will move it out on the balcony again when the night temps get above freezing to see if it will do anything else.
Here are some fall touches I've added to the balcony...
I've also been working on some Halloween crafts. This "wreath with a story"...
I'm not exactly sure what that story is...It's up to the viewer...but I bought this skeleton arm and hand at Michael's last weekend when all their Halloween products were 40% off and I had a 25% off, including sale items, coupon....
I dug into my jewelry box and added the ring, made a sort of Victorian looking cuff out of some wonderful trim I'd bought at a Goodwill when I was still living in Phoenix, painted some cheesecloth black and made a rotting sleeve and wired in the little bell, which I'd bought at a thrift shop sometime over the past two years, reminiscent of those "grave bells" that were sometimes used to give those buried alive the ability to signal their reawakening to those above ground.
I had one crow and purchased another at Michael's when I bought the skeleton hand. I had the Victorian door knocker and just included it to the mix for atmosphere. I added the cottonwood twigs because I'd thought, since I found them in
a shopping cart outside the Boulder Savers last year, that they looked
like finger bones, and the sueded brown leaves I'd saved from some fall
stems last year. I believe I'd found the white bleeding heart at the Golden
Community Garage Sale. The white pheasant feathers were another Michael's
find when their stems were 50% off a couple of weeks ago.
The nest was something I'd purchased back in 2010 at a shop in Blue Springs, Missouri. Have forgotten the name. The nest looked empty, so I decided, knowing crows have a proclivity for collecting treasures, to add this little ceramic heart box that I'd bought last year at the Golden Community Garage Sale.
After I added it, I decided to print off an on-line photo
of a Victorian woman and insert it into the "locket."
Is it the
deceased? Perhaps...
I plan on hanging this on the outside of my apartment door closer to Halloween and hope it won't be too disturbing to my neighbors.
Perhaps the crazy print below will offer some comic relief... 
I had purchased, at a Goodwill in Phoenix several years ago, this already rather weird print of an oil painting of these two men in Victorian evening dress...I had been referring to them as The Twins. Ironically, it was one of the framed prints my sister selected, sight unseen from my storage, since all were wrapped in bubble wrap, to bring out when she visited a few weeks back. In addition to sticking on the googly eyes, I painted the frame black and draped it with "mourning crepe," some black spider-web-pattern fabric, and another piece of the trim identical to that used for the cuff on the skeleton arm. It will take its place outside on the wall next to the wreath. Did these creepy men have something to do with the deceased's demise? You decide!
More later, Teddee